Effect of Treatment Duration Infection Myxobolus Spora Orally on Koi Fish’s (Cyprinus Carpio L) Sugar Blood Level

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Fish Health Management and Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia


   According to data from the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries (2010) the value of koi fish exports reached 200 billion in 2009. Koi fish farming is inseparable from the presence of disease. One of the diseases that attack the koi fish is Myxobolusis caused by Myxobolus spores. Disease infection in koi fish can be categorized as a stressor that causes the occurrence of stressful conditions that cause increased blood sugar levels of koi fish. Increased blood sugar levels are secondary effects of stress and greatly affect the health of fish. This study aims to determine the effect of long treatment of Myxobolus spores infection orally on blood sugar levels of koi fish (Cyprinus carpio L). This study was an experimental study with Completely Randomized Design (RAL) using 7 treatments and 4 replications respectively. The dosage used for Myxobolus spore infection is 120 spores / fish. The main parameters observed were the amount of blood sugar in the blood of koi fish infected with Myxobolus while for supporting parameters including water quality, among others temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen were measured daily, in the morning and afternoon. The examination data are blood sugar value of koi fish with ANOVA test followed by Duncan test. The results showed that the blood sugar content of koi fish before infected was 35.25 mg / dl. The results of data analysis of blood sugar calculations analyzed with Anova can be seen that there is a significant difference (p <0.05) for long treatment of Myxobolus spores infection. Based on the Duncan test, it is known that the highest blood sugar of koi fish obtained at 96 hours of treatment is 85 mg / dl and the lowest blood glucose on the 24 hours treatment time is 35,25 mg / dl.


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